Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Venue Hunt Extravaganza

I know that most of the Bee's introduce their venues by sharing photos of the other places they looked at, but I never actually looked at anything. That doesn't mean I didn't do my fair share of hunting. In fact, I think I may have emailed every single venue on the west side of the mountains in Washington.

I took all of that information and compiled it into my handy dandy little vendor hunt worksheet. It's nothing professional looking, and some of you may think it's very dumb, but it was a fantastic resource to use in referring to places when talking to my parents and Mr. Avocado when we were all living in different states.

I wanted to point out a few different locations that are a little bit under the radar, but came very close to making the cut.

The Hansen PlaceSo warm and pretty, but a little small and located too far away in Kitsap.

Knights of ColumbusNot sure I love the curtains, but look how pretty the chandelier is!

Lake Wilderness LodgeLove the spiral staircase at this location that the bride walks down before heading down the aisle. What an entrance!

Almost had my deposit down for this location. Still a little sad that I wasn't able to design the vintage rustic wedding I started dreaming about as soon as I saw this photo.

Mount Baker ClubhouseThis was in my top three. I think this space is so great because it would adapt so well to many different types of weddings. Light and bright spaces are always best.

Uptown HideawaySmall, but intimate. The reception would have wound throughout the different rooms.

Hollywood SchoolhouseA classic choice that most Seattle Brides already know about. Apparently exposed brick is considered ugly in Poland, as Mr. Avocado was no impressed. We American's consider it to be charming don't we? Or is that just me?

The excel worksheet I created includes all of the venue, catering, DOC, and venue photos I collected. I don't have credit for all of the photos that are included in it, as I originally intended them for personal use only. All of this information was collected in March and April of this year so it should be up-to-date. It really helped me in my decision making process, I hope it helps you with yours.

All photos found on the websites of their respective venues.

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