Monday, July 28, 2008

Bridal Shoot: Behind The Scenes

My last post on the bridals was already ridiculously long, so I thought I would split this off and do a little "behind the scenes" coverage for you on what doing a bridal shoot in Rome is really like. If you thought it was all glitz and glam those dreams are about to be dashed my friend.

We spent all of our money getting ourselves from Washington state to Rome, and so I ended up walking from place to place in my dress instead of riding in a taxi. I got a lot of strange looks and a lot of whistles.

Don't I look so relaxed and happy, like I'm in my own little bridal induced world? Scroll down to discover the shocking truth....

As you can see, there were HUNDREDS of people at the fountain when we were there. And they all thought it was a good idea to start clapping when we finished shooting at this location. I gave a little bow and a wave because I wasn't sure what else to do. Before we started taking pictures, my Mom and I just turned to each other and said "We can do this, we didn't drag this dress all the way out here to turn around and go home right now."

The later it got, the more angry my face started to look in all of the photos. Definitely not blushing bride material. I took as many chances as possible to rest my mouth and my eyes.

Drunk Italian men LOVE brides. This character asked if he could kiss me while his friend took my picture. I communicated (in Italian) that it was acceptable as long as he didn't slobber all over my cheek.

In Italy, the peddlers roam the streets near the landmarks trying to sell flowers late into the night. That dress acted as a homing beacon for them, and they would NOT leave me alone. This was definitely a time where speaking Italian really came in handy.

I was happy to accept a rose from these nice gentleman, and even told them they could get in one of the photos in exchange for the new prop.

Sometimes when it's 3 am, you make faces like this and think it is sexy.

Best of all, sometimes when it is late at night, you wrap yourself up in your veil like a mummy and think it is a good idea. My mom lowered the camera and shook her head when I struck this pose.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity made possible by both MILLIE and my mom!

Thanks mom!

What did you learn about the tough life of a model when you were posing for your bridals, engagements, wedding, or TTD sessions?

All photos by Denise Andersen, dress by MILLIE.

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