Monday, July 28, 2008

Ring My Bell

It's been so hard to hold off showing you all my gorgeous ring. I've actually had it in my posession since April. Yes, I, the bride, have had it since April. I found it on the website Sylvia's Antique Jewelry. When we decided that this was the ring to order I wanted to do it as soon as possible because I was worried that someone else might snap it up before I could.

We were dating long distance and Mr. Avocado was coming up very soon and so it only made sense to ship it up to Utah where I was living. After we decided to keep it I somehow ended up storing it in my apartment at school until I moved down to Dallas. I cannot remember why this was the best plan, but it's a good thing that the ring was 3 sizes too small because the temptation to wear it around was huge. I was sworn to secrecy concerning its presence by the Mr. and only allowed to show it to my immediate family.

The diamond is described as an "N" color on the website, which made me very nervous when we put in the order. The diamond does not look perfect by any means, but I'm okay with that.

The ring was listed as made of white gold, but the jeweler we took it to for the resizing told us it is actually made of platinum. WHAT THE? Yes, this makes me a little nervous because it seems like a pretty huge detail to overlook....but I love my ring so who cares? We have never had a full appraisal done on it, so for all I know the diamond isn't even real. The two of us made a decision when we took it out of the package, that the ring was worth what we paid for it because we both loved it. This may be a young and foolish mistake on our part, but a diamond like this is never really going to increase in monetary value, likely only emotional.

If you have found a ring on Sylvia's website that you are interested in, you can read a full review of my experience with them here.

Anyone else order their ring online and have that "love at first sight" moment?

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