Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm Melting!

My core body temperature always seems to be 10 degrees higher than what everyones else feels. Which means I am a sweat-er. Not so much an armpit sweat-er, but a makeup-melting, hairline-soaking, red and splotchy face sweat-er. Having pictures on the beach is awesome, but not if my face is going to look like this:

Image found here.

I am planning on bringing blotting sheets, but other than that I have no experience with makeup melting prevention. Usually I just try to accept it and pretend like it isn't happening, but I don't feel like that will be the best method in Mexico. I think I have the mascara and eyeliner covered, but I have no idea what to do about the rest of my dripping face.

Any secrets people would like to share?

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