Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Avocado Wedding Randomized

Hello again everyone! I couldn't resist this opportunity to stop by and revisit our wedding in a really unique way. Several of the photos below are ones I never would have shared (because I liked others better), but they all highlight really happy things that I love talking about.

First, our exit from the temple. If you read my posts when I was planning my wedding and recapping, you may recall that for LDS weddings the ceremony is held inside with no video cameras or photography. This photo shows our public debut as husband and wife!
Our full wedding party, minus one junior bridesmaid. Out of my bridesmaids two are married, and one will be married this March. I haven't been a part of many wedding days lately and I miss it (and let's be honest, I really want to help someone with their wedding planning :) ). 
While the boys played golf, we walked around the neighborhood (just a few blocks from Pike's Place) and did bridal party photos. 
I hadn't seen many wedding photographs featuring suitcases back when I was planning. Now I feel like I see them used all the time. 
See more of our bridal party photos here.
Two very similar shots of our ring ceremony
My non-vows to him. I still mean every word:
Growing up I called myself a princess and hoped to find Prince Charming and live happily ever after. Reading C.S. Lewis taught me that marriage isn’t a fairy tale, and I’ve grown up enough to know that ours won’t be. You aren’t perfect, and I am most certainly not anywhere near it. Our relationship works because we are both able to acknowledge each others imperfections, love each other despite our differences, and work together to make improvements in our attitude and behavior. Thank you for helping me improve every day. There are so many reasons I am a better person because of you.
Our love isn’t flowery, simple, or easy. It is rooted in practicality, common goals, and a deep respect for each other. I will be working each and every day to seek forgiveness for my faults and praise you for your achievements. I know that in choosing to be sealed in the temple we created a union that will last for eternity.
I have always known the temple is the right place to be married. On October 10, 2001, as a 16 year old girl dreaming of true love I wrote you this letter:
“To my sweetheart,
We are finally getting married. I am so excited. I have been excited for this day as long as I can remember. I know that as long as I am getting married in the temple, we are right for each other.”
Thank you for taking me to the temple to be married today. When I stopped looking for my perfect happily ever after, I found my forever.
Kocham ciÄ™
I love you
Our escort cards displayed in the suitcase my grandma used throughout high school. I loved all of our wedding details, but I admit if I could do it over, I'd do it completely different. More personal, more us. 
Still the best cake I've ever had. Ever.And I think cake buffets are my favorite wedding trend and I hope they never go away. 
If you'd like to see more of my wedding, you can visit the links at the bottom of this post and see the day from beginning to end. 

If you're already married, would you do your wedding details differently? For those who are currently brides, I don't even know what the latest trends are! Can you tell me what all the cool kids are doing now?