Thursday, September 25, 2008

How Can I Thank Them?

There are no words to describe your parents when they are paying for your wedding. They are more than gracious. They blew by generous about $5,000 ago. How can you ever thank someone for such a contribution?

Yeah this doesn't work.....
Let's try this one:
"Here is a $3 thank-you card. Thanks for paying for my wedding instead of buying a new car for mom this year, even if it is falling apart from that time I wrecked it a few years ago."
Two nights ago I sat in the kitchen and just talked to my dad. I realized I hadn't talked to him in ages about anything not related to wedding stuff. He told me funny stories about his business, and we talked about how his crops are doing. I realized that I can still be a person/daughter/girlfriend while I am in the middle of being a bride (are you really only a bride on your wedding day? I feel like I am a bride right now), and it reminded me that I need to take time to show my gratitude.

This week I took them to dinner, and had the waiter deliver a thank you note instead of the bill. It was a drop in the bucket compared to what they are spending on me, as the bill for the meal for the three of us was actually the same amount that my wedding bouquet is costing (flowers are ridiculous). It put things in perspective, and it gave the three of us the chance to talk.

I guess I should start working on those grandchildren for them. I think once they hold that first little baby in their arms all debts will be paid.

And just to note, they don't make me feel guilty for what they are doing. This is an irrational case of self-inflicted guilt I am harboring, and I am harboring suspicions that I am not alone in this.

How did you show your gratitude for those who made substantial financial contributions to your wedding?

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