Friday, September 26, 2008

The "After" Shoot

It took a few months of finagling, but I was finally able to nail down a "week-after" photo-shoot with Mamacado for the Thursday after the wedding. I wasn't sure it if could happen since she has the huge task of assembling our hometown reception 2 days later. I won't be there to help them set up and tear down this event for 150-200 people, so I know that she will be insanely busy trying to get everything coordinated. It's a huge thing I am asking her to do, but we don't have much time for couple portraits on the wedding day so this is the best way to fit them in, and there is also something to be said about having wedding portraits taken by your own Mom hanging up in your house.

We won't even have to leave the honeymoon site, as we plan on having them taken at Cave B Inn. I'm sure we will spend a few minutes holding hands, wandering through the (frost covered) vineyards. Ironic that we don't drink wine, isn't it?

I've always been a fan of photos that juxtapose things, (as Mrs. Toucan showed us) and I am so in love with the idea of these sweeping grand photos with a bride and groom poised right in the middle of them. A fisheye lens could do some pretty amazing things with the Columbia River Gorge in the background.

I'll be wearing tennis shoes underneath my dress so we can hike down to these patches of green along the prairie down below. I would love to even make it all the way down to the water, as there is an old stove, a burned out car, etc sitting down there, but it's quite a hike and I am going to be wearing my dress for the reception 2 nights later.....

Who else is doing an "after" shoot? Where are you having yours done?

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