Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Bedding Down Fulfilled

Note: You will not be shaking with laughter while reading this post (as I am during the composing of it) unless you go read this post first.

Are you back from reading that first post? Do you have any idea where all of our wedding party could be headed in the elevator they are all crammed into?

Oh yes they did! I have no idea whose idea this was, or who let them in, but those are our groomsmen "warming up the bed" for us. Just like in days of old in Poland.

We only had 80 guests at our wedding (that includes 4 vendor meals!). How could we not notice when 1/8th of our guest went missing? Credit must be given to all the wedding party members for not spilling the beans about such a funny event to either of us. Thanks to the bridesmaids for checking to make sure that the bed was "sturdy" enough for us.

I can only forgive Kelli for this (for I suspect it was she who suggested it) because she leaked another photo of Mr. Avocado and I right before the temple sealing ceremony.

What types of shennanigans did your wedding party engage in at your wedding? Was any of it without your knowledge until after the fact?

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