Wednesday, December 17, 2008

That Wedding: The First Look

The first look is another moment that LDS brides forgo, although I'm not sure why. There is no "walking down the aisle" moment in the temple, and for us, it was how we found time to connect and take a breath before we were married.

There is not much that can be said about a first look moment, as they are all pretty much the same. The groom waits, the bride sneaks up, they both have a "moment". Though, somehow, to each couple that moment is made of personalized magic. It's smells like passion and it feels like love. Even if you had been there you couldn't have fully experienced it. That's what I like best about the first moment. It was a moment just for us.

The handsome groom waited.

The blushing bride attempted to tiptoe up silently, but a bed of sticks on the forest floor made this impossible. So it sounded more like she lumbered up, sloppily.

I wanted the tap to be slow, drawn out, a moment filled with tension and suspense. Instead I reached up and tapped quickly and excitedly. It's hard to do things slow on such an exciting day.

He turns...

and he approves! He had previously warned me that he might, and I quote, "hate my dress and find that pretending to like it would be impossible."

From here on out you know the story. We kiss, I twirl, we kiss again, and maybe another time for good luck.

I clap with glee, because clapping is what I do.

I guess I forgot the lesson my mom gave me in train carrying already.

Oh hello friends! Did you enjoy the show?

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